
Monday, November 23, 2015

Several Days in November

1 -- to CiCi's' with the family to celebrate my dad's birthday; Daylight Savings Time ends

2 -- what a dark, dreary day!  The rain didn't help!

3 -- Zach is 4 and a half

4 -- woke up to the news that former Congressman Howard Coble died -- I used to really enjoy and be involved in politics, and he was someone I met a few times over the years

also, today my Aunt Bett would be 80....she died in her fifties from pancreatic cancer; she was Mema's baby sister so they celebrated Bett's birthday together in heaven

two years ago today Andrew and I were in Paris; we met David from Seoul there (I heard from him recently on Facebook, and he's still in the military; hoping to get out early next year)

5 -- played with Sophie and Zach

sat outside and enjoyed the evening - finally had blue skies for the first time all week!

6 -- new blocks at the children's museum

7 -- Fun with Zach at my house

10 -- THE SUN CAME OUT!  Zach, Bagel, and I went to Purple Penguin for frozen yogurt, and then enjoyed a few minutes at a local church before going to my house, and then for a visit with Steph and Michael

"You know who fell off a wall, don't you?"

He thought the ones in front of the pews were foot rests

12 -- enjoyed the blue skies and sunshine!

13 -- Sophie came for a visit

13 -- terrorist attack in Paris

photo from our visit in November 2013

17 -- to the children's museum with Zach

Leaf Art

he sounded out "by" all by himself :)

I heard him saying his phone # to Emma; they got along well

having fun with Leah

18 -- to Tanger and Walmart with Zach

He insisted that he needed a stocking

19 -- to Steph's house

he loved decorating these trees

20 --  to Gibsonville's Lighting of the Greens

but first, we must sit and watch the sunset (his idea)


waiting to ride the train

Zach refused to look at me and smile

22 -- Zach wanted a small Christmas tree for his house

Trust me, he decorated it beautifully

23 --  to the Bounce Around place at the local mall - first time going

Not sure what the rest of November will hold, but Thursday is Thanksgiving so there is that!

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