
Saturday, November 7, 2015

Yes, I'm talking about the weather

Although we had some dry spells earlier this year, here lately it seems it has rained quite a bit. Maybe it's because the rain comes, and then maybe it ends, but the clouds linger for days.

I love the sun.  Love it.  I appreciate the occasional rainy day or gray day, and I truly don't want to ever take water from the sky for granted when water is so, so useful and needed, but I can't help how I feel.

I love the sun.

So these long stretches of rainy and/or gray days are...well, one of my favorite local* weather guys put it nicely.

"I'd be lying if I didn't admit this weather is getting on my nerves."  -- November 2 with a graphic of the seven-day weather forecast which included lots of gray/wet periods

 Also, he included these charming gems on Facebook this week:

"I don't want a rainy weekend any more than you do.
Alas, we're stuck with another lousy Saturday." -- 1 hr. ago

"We may live in Seattle now. Working to confirm." -- 16 hrs. ago

"¯\_(ツ)_/¯ <----------->How I feel about forecasting clouds this week --  17 hrs. ago

"TODAY: We're stuck with clouds and occasional drizzle. A few showers possible as well. Chilly. It will not be a nice day."   -- November 3

He always has informative weather graphics or photos to go along with his commentary.  Bonus: he also often includes lovely pictures he takes when he goes on day trips around the state, or when he vacations at the beach, in New York, and most recently in the San Francisco area.

I didn't mean to get into all that, but I wanted to share a couple of pictures from the one day this week when I actually saw blue skies for about half a day.'s been that gray (although we didn't have significant rain fall all those days, and I was able to walk and read outside...hooray!)

Behold, Thursday, November 5, 2015, around 4:30 PM.  I actually love how the sun's rays brighten the leaves on these trees.

This is a view out my back door.  Although I have a perfectly good electric dryer, I like hanging out clothes so I do that most of the time. Thus the clothesline.

I decided to walk outside for a closer view

muscadine vines

I am very thankful that Halloween weekend (last Friday and Saturday) were nice because we truly had a great time outdoors with the kids those days.  And then Sunday when it was all over, the rain came.

* local meaning he works at a local station; Tim is from upstate New York

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