"Am I willing to get my own shoes dusty on the streets of this world in order to make the love of Jesus Christ available to those who do not know Him? If I am going to be like my Savior, the answer can only be yes." (pg. 45)
"As the Father has sent Me, I also send you."
~ Jesus in John 20:21
~ Jesus in John 20:21
In his book Signs of Life, Dr. David Jeremiah discusses these things quoted above and made this interesting statement. Do you agree?
"One mistake of the modern church seems to be that when someone is converted to Christ, all too often in the name of discipleship, we hurry that person out of his place in the world into the sanitized confines of the church. Instead, perhaps we need to challenge ourselves to leave the walls of the church and walk with that new believer back into the world to reach his friends for Christ."
Furthermore, he adds that in order to get dust on our shoes, we need to "leave the 'clean' environment of church and home and to go into our neighborhoods and communities and do what Jesus did: show people how much God loves them by meeting them where they are and providing what they need." (pg. 46,47)
I am trying to figure out how exactly I can do this right now. I know where I want to get my shoes dusty, but where does God want me presently? I wish I knew.
1 comment:
If I had to guess, I'd say that most of this is done out of fear.
Fear of a society that belittles and mocks faith, especially for the newly converted. We want them to feel safe and comfortable in their new life, not attacked on every side. Because we fear they'll give up, or become convinced that society is right.
*However*, how do we expect to spread the light of Christ if we don't talk to people who disagree with us? You can't plant the seed in a person if you're too afraid that they'll argue with you.
There was a post on another blog that I'm still reading through, but they seemed to be saying that Christian's aren't supposed to associate with atheists. Well... uh...then how're you going to help them?
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